It’s 20 years!
The Friends have been supporting the Home for a long time now and our efforts are very much appreciated and still very much needed. Thank you to everyone undertaking fundraising events in this our anniversary year. Please let us know more about what you are up to and send us photos we can post here to inspire others to yet more fundraising.
“We thank God for the journey you have travelled with MRCH over 20 years. Your intervention made a big change in the day to day running of the Home…We are delighted that all four young people mentioned in our last newsletter are now being sponsored for 2 year A level courses held at MRCH college. Thanks to generous people who came forward quickly, their studies could begin without delay.” Rev. Margaret Mawire
This charity is so important in the day to day running of the Home and everything you contribute makes a huge difference. We want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who help the Friends carry on this important work.
In this newsletter we also welcome Gail Richer our new Secretary and Leigh East our Database manager-who also looks after the website. We would also like to reiterate our need for a new Treasurer. Please take a look at theĀ newsletter where you can find a breakdown of what is involved. David will be happy to talk you through it in more detail. Please contact David or the Chairman direct.