January 2008 Newsletter – The video of the grand opening of all the new buildings is now available. Work on the creche can now begin.
Gift cards for fundraising
Cambridge Road Methodist Church in Birmingham have been using gift cards to fund raise with great success. The following report is by their co-ordiantor Debbie (July 2007).
We have been using Gift Cards to raise money for MRCH. This year we raised a total of £400. In previous years we have raised as much as £700! This year, some of the gifts were gift-aided which will add about £90.00 to the overall total. This has involved a bit more administrative work for me to do, but well worth it for the additional money. We have provided a choice of gift cards in £5, £10 and £20 denominations stating on each card roughly what the money would buy (e.g. £5 for school shoes and shoe-laces; £10 towards a month’s medication for a child with HIV; £20 towards equipment for refurbishing the crèche). It’s been well worth the effort. In comparison with other fundraising efforts, it’s not very labour intensive. To offer gift cards just print off templates from the MRCH Resources section and then take orders and keep track of the gift aid. If anyone would like to do this at their Church or work-place next year, I would be happy to help or forward on the templates we have developed. You can contact me via the Chairman. One bit of advice would be to start early! E.g. end of November for Christmas – I was a bit late this year and it made it a bit frantic! The Gift Cards can also be used for one-off gifts for special occasions – for example, my Gran recently celebrated her 100th Birthday and was given over £200 which she decided to donate to MRCH. It was nice to be able to create a presentable Gift Card to give to her.
Mandy reports back on her visit to the Home in September (2005)
I have recently spent a wonderful 3 weeks in Zimbabwe, staying at MRCH. Zimbabwe is such a beautiful country, but what at mess it’s in right now. On a more positive note, MRCH seems to be thriving, despite the hardships. The children and staff now occupy the 6 new houses, where they live in family units, as opposed to the old dormitory system, where boys and girls were separated. They are all so happy, staff and children alike. It is especially good for brothers and sisters who can now live under the same roof. There are a few pairs of boy/girl twins at the Home and they are particularly happy to be living alongside each other. Each house has it’s own little garden, where they grow flowers and vegetables. The children take great pride in these. The main gardens too, are doing well, and the new ‘polytunnels’ are producing delicious tomatoes and pumpkins’
The main problem in day to day living is the lack of water. It is switched off for a few hours (or longer!) most days and after the children come home from school they have to go back and forth to the bore hole filling containers and taking them back to their houses. Needless to say, they never complain, they just get on with it, smiling and laughing as they go. Also, the electricity is constantly being cut off, so candles are always at the ready.
Building work is going ahead on the old Boys Department, to convert it to rooms and a kitchen for the older children. Unfortunately, work on the clinic seems to have come to a full stop. They are waiting for the plumber. These things can take so long in Zimbabwe…it is very frustrating! The nurse is still operating from a couple of rooms in the old Girls Department. I took a large bag of medical supplies with me. She was extremely grateful (even though some of the dressings had to be used on me when I mangled my foot on a rock!!!!).
My biggest cause for concern at the Home is the Creche. In the past they have had around 15 children (MRCH+ Staff kids) for a few hours in the morning, so the little room was adequate. Now they take children from the community, and for all day, so there are around 30-40 kids from 8.30-4.30, and they have their lunch + snacks there. The room is now totally inadequate, chairs and tables are broken, and dangerous, there are very few toys or teaching resources…even basics such as crayons and paper are scarce. Lunch and drinks are served up, and washing up done on an old desk in the corner. The children are divided into 2 classes (under 3’s and over 3’s) for teaching. They have to do this in the one room and the noise levels are unbelievable!! My dream for the future is for the building to be extended with a room for each class, a kitchen area for serving food and making drinks, with decent (and safe!) chairs and tables, plus new play and learning equipment. Also, the playground badly needs to be renovated, brightened up and made safe. At the moment it’s a health and safety minefield. While I was there a swing broke and a child was hurt (though fortunately not seriously).
Well, I had an amazing 3 weeks in Zimbabwe. I was treated like royalty. I think everyone felt encouraged by the fact that I was prepared to go out there and visit them in these difficult times. It was a privilege for me to be with them. We shared much laughter, and also some tears together. Despite the problems, a group of us went away for an idyllic weekend in Nyanga. It’s a really beautiful place and we had such a happy time there. I was so sad leave Zimbabwe at the end of my stay, but hopefully I’ll be back before too long.
Feedback from Astonishment’s visit to Worlington (2005)
A short report from the Head teacher following Astonishment’s visit.
Feedback from Astonishment’s visit to Saltash (2005)
The visit seemed to go very well. Saturday evening we had about 45 people at our house for a get together and buffet supper. This proved to be particularly good because some of our young people who visited Zimbabwe in 1999 and went to Matthew Rusike were able to relive their experiences chatting to Astonishment. Although they had not met him before a rapport rapidly developed.
At Sunday morning’s service we arranged a question and answer session with Astonishment and he spoke very movingly, touching a lot of people. We then had a church picnic where Astonishment and Bridgety paddled in the sea for the first time. In the evening there was an open-air service and again Astonishment spoke powerfully. (Some Zimbabweans living in the area turned up to listen!)
On Monday morning Astonishment and Bridgety visited an NCH run “Sure Start” scheme in Plymouth which gave them lots of ideas.
Altogether it was a great experience for all at Saltash.
Feedback from Astonishment’s visit to Oxford (2005)
We shall be glad to hear of any ideas to help further with practical support. We all enjoyed Astonishment and Bridgety’s visit and were moved by what they said at the evening held in the Principal’s House at Harris Manchester College. There were many interesting and probing questions which Astonishment answered skilfully and honestly. I hope the whole visit went well and you were pleased with the responses. The Zimbabwe situation does not improve. What a disaster.
Feedback from Astonishment’s visit to Orpington (2005)
We are delighted that Astonishment and Bridgety’s visit was so successful. It certainly was here in Orpington. Our minister came to a meal with us in the evening so that he could discuss the Sunday morning service with Astonishment. The parade service was buzzing and a great opportunity for him to ask Astonishment lots of questions. Afterwards so many people were asking how they could help. As you know we are already supporting MRCH at our Harvest project but wonderful news – an anonymous donor has very generously offered to match whatever we raise.
At Sunday lunchtime we held a lunch at our house and over 20 people came which gave a good opportunity for Aston and Bridgety to tell more of what they are doing.
Actually for us it was a humbling experience knowing just how very hard they both work to look after children and staff in their care, and we will try really hard to raise a good amount at Harvest time.
Feedback from Astonishment’s visit to Headingly (2005)
Just wanted to say how much all of us at Headingley enjoyed and appreciated your visit with Astonishment and his wife. We were really moved by how he spoke and the dedicated way in which he obviously runs the Matthew Rusike Home and looks after the children. We did record the service so that those who were away could also share in what Astonishment had to say. We have already had appreciative comments.
It took John and I (and others at HMC) most of the following week to come round from the emotion that Astonishment’s words created. We felt very humbled.
I do hope that Astonishment and Bridgety had a safe journey home. I’m sure that they would have felt very tired once they got home but hopefully encouraged to know that others are thinking about them and their work.
Birmingham report on Astonishment’s visit in July (2005)
You can read the Birmingham report (2005) following the visit by Astonishment and Bridgety Mapurisa.
Bridgety Mapurisa’s thoughts on her visit to the UK (2005)
As we sat to reflect on our visit to the UK, we both could not say whether it was a business trip, or a holiday adventure. Indeed it had both components. We worked. We enjoyed! Thanks to the generosity of all our hosts. In fact, the whole trip was well organised that every next host family was like the previous one. We were thoroughly entertained.
This was my first time to experience real English environment. I expected serious cultural shock. Little did I know that people are people, wherever you go. Astonishment had shared with me about how good the Friends were. But I had no idea of the context all together. The trip turned out to be an exceptional holiday for both of us. It was one of those rare visits where we experienced the culture, and shared in it through staying with the people.
Every family expected us. They had made all the preparations to host us. THEY WERE ALL VERY WELCOMING! At Saltash, and Ringwood, we had the rare opportunity of visiting the beach. I had never been to the sea. I had never thought one-day l could paddle in the sea. Now I got the courage, I can even swim!!
My husband had never rested in his childcare career. Always busy. No time to break, and sometimes, no time for the children and me. This visit drew us together. WE both enjoyed every step. We strolled, we saw the British countryside, and we walked in town, courtesy of our hosts. We were able to go shopping. Our Friends sacrificed their family resources to make us happy. It was a buy schedule, but it was equally exciting. This was one trip we will leave to remember. Our family resources are meagre, that we cannot afford a holiday. Thank God we just had one, courtesy of the Friends.
The least I can say is that the trip was well organized, we enjoyed it and that we successfully fulfilled the schedule. We benefited a lot. Astonishment is happy as there are more resources coming to help in his work. There is a lot of progress taking place at MRCH. We found our children happy and expectant. They enjoyed the presents we brought. Thanks to the Friends, we had enough stationary for all the home’s children. Paddy and Jenny made sure that we had a present for each of them. The children will also never regret being left for so long.